What are the latest celebrity sexual harassment allegations?

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It seems that following the recent reveals around top Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein we might have a regular column on our hands, looking at the latest celebrity sexual harassment allegations reaching the public.
Let’s have a look who’s been – allegedly – harassing this week!
Director James Tobback
In a story from The Los Angeles Times, director James Tobback was accused of sexual harassment by 38 women. That number is now 310. He would apparently lure women to auditions, and do the classic sexual harassment move of jerking off in front of them. You might not know Tobback – he directed forgotten movies such as Two Girls and a Guy & Harvard Man – but apparently dropping the names of stars such as Robert Downey Jr. was enough to draw in some victims. We can’t say we’re quite surprised, because when we saw Harvard Man we felt as if we were watching a director jerk off in front of us.
Musician Ethan Kath (Crystal Castles)
Crystal Castles is a solid electronic music band, so we were disappointed to hear this one. The band used to consist of Ethan Kath and vocalist Alice Glass. The latter left the band in 2014 citing personal and professional reasons. Now she’s come forward revealing the true cause, by accusing Kath of sexual assault, saying:
He forced me to have sex with him or, he said, I wouldn’t be allowed to be in the band anymore.
Show creator Chris Savino
As many as 12 women came forward accusing Chris Savino – creator of Nickelodeon’s kid show The Loud Place – of sexual harassment, more specifically unwanted sexual advances and threats of blacklisting.
Savino released a statement including the following:
“I am deeply sorry and ashamed”
Which is the kind of thing that only works when you’re 10 years old and your mom finds out you’ve been raiding the storage closet to get a sweet sugar high from Coco Pops. So it’s no surprise Savino got fired.
Musician Jeordie White (part of Marilyn Manson’s band)
Jack Off Jill (not a tribute band to Adam Sandler’s movie Jack and Jill ) singer Jessica Addams accused Jeordie “Twiggy Ramirez” White of domestic abuse and sexual assault. White was the bassist on Marilyn Manson’s band. Was, because Manson fired him swiftly after these allegations came to light.
Amazon Studios Head Roy Price
Been a bit over a week, but we missed this one since we were doing important stuff like reviewing Geostorm & The Snowman. Price has meanwhile resigned, after allegations came forward from Isa Hackett, who was a producer on Amazon’s The Man in the High Castle & Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams. The more complete story can be found here, but tl;dr version is Price saying
You will love my dick.
This turned out to be incorrect, as Price’s dick put him out of a job.
Former president George H.W. Bush
It turns out 93-year old Poppa Bush was not just a bad president, he’s also a terrible comedian. Three women have come forward accusing him of sexual harassment, after the following took place:
the photographer was readying the shot. My husband stood on one side of the wheelchair, and I stood on the other. President Bush put his arm around me, low on my back. His comic timing was impeccable. “David Cop-a-feel,” he said, and squeezed my butt, hard, just as the photographer snapped the photo.
He has since released public apologies, and will hopefully retire this comic routine.
Did we miss anyone? Let us know, and if not: that’d be great.