We kind of like Interpol’s new track The Rover

Interpol (Photo by Jamie-James Medina)
The 2000s were definitely our era of musical discovery. Illegal downloading was booming – not that we ever downloaded, dear police officers reading this – and all of a sudden we found ourselves gaining easy access to whichever band we wanted to. We had already been shaped into loving rock, but being able to choose our own playlists outside of what radio stations and our limited CD collection offered us was mind-blowing.
We use the term rock broadly, before we get to the next part in the paragraph. See, what we’re trying to say is that a lot of the bands we got into either turned out to be one-trick ponies or bands that upon reconsideration were never good. What else can we say about bands we used to listen to, such as Coldplay, The Killers, Snow Patrol, Keane, and Peter Bjorn and John.
Then again, in terms of most listened bands we definitely had some favorites. Those would’ve been – off the top of our heads – Modest Mouse, Arcade Fire, and Interpol. To some the latter was no more than a modern day Joy Division knock-off, yet we found ourselves entranced by both debut album Turn on the Bright Lights, and follow-up Antics. After this the band delivered the underwhelming Our Love to Admire, and the self-titled Interpol. We convinced ourselves those weaker albums had still had its bright spots (one of those being No I in Threesome, for song name alone), but can’t say we revisited those albums after. The odd thing here is that we had completely forgotten about El Pintor, their 2014 album. We think we listened to it, but who knows?
With all that said, imagine our surprise when we listened to Interpol‘s new track, and found ourselves actually liking it. In the last few years we’ve seen that both LCD Soundsystem, and Wolf Parade still have it in them to make killer albums and we’re hoping – even if Interpol never reached those bands’ overall quality – our favorite Joy Division knock-off will continue that trend. Why are we hopeful, you may ask? That would be because of The Rover, the first track of Interpol’s new album Marauder, scheduled to be released August 24th. Perhaps absence makes the heart grows fonder, because we found ourselves smitten by Paul Banks’ disembodied vocals, and the tight guitar work.
Have a listen here:
Or watch Interpol perform the song live here on Colbert:
Either way, let us know what you think!